
Here I am :)

Well, obviously I haven't updated this thing in months! So, here goes.

Those of you that know me well know that I've had a pretty busy and eventful year so far. The beginning of the year was spent working on improving my health and I really didn't get to spend much time doing anything else.

I have, however, finally finished my schooling, and I am now working for a medical transcription company called InScribe. I've gone down to part time at the hospital and I'm working on getting up to full time on this other job. I'll be staying at the hospital for insurance purposes, but hopefully Ron and I will get married sometime in the future and I'll be able to quit there. Not that I don't love each and every one of the people I work with... it's just time for a change :)

Our house is getting done as well! We almost have an upstairs bathroom. Since a pipe broke in our wall, we had to fix it, so we just tore the whole thing out and redid it all. It looks amazing! I'm so excited to not have to go down 3 flights of stairs in the middle of the night to go potty, LOL. And Ron has started construction on Shane's room! So Shane will get his own room pretty soon, and it's bigger than ours! Lucky kid.. haha.

I will update (hopefully) a little more often than I have been, since I'll be spending a lot of time online due to my new job.