
Happy Birthday To Me!

So, my birthday was on 11.7.09. Ron and I had his girls, so it was quite busy from the moment we got up. They're getting so big! They tried on some of their old clothes to see what fit and we hardly got anything out of it. So if anyone needs little girl clothes, let us know, lol.

For my birthday, Ron had our friend Stacy make me two watches. They're awesome! I'm really wanting to know how to make them though, so I can interchange the faces with the bands.

We really didn't do a whole lot for my birthday, just hung out at home as a family, which was fine with me. We did go out to eat at Hardhat though, and their food was awesome! I finally got to drink (legally, lol), and we went home and watched a movie. It was a pretty laid back day overall.

The next day (Sunday), my mother had a family dinner for me. The table was packed with family and food, and it was awesome. I got a gift card to Edwards (yay!!) and some French truffles from my cousin and aunt. Totally love it!

I had a great birthday this year, although, I am missing my two bestest friends, Sarah and Tasha. Wished I could've spent some time with them. Miss and love you guys!!!


Trip to the Dentist

Shane and I ended up going to the dentist 11/6/09. This was Shane's second visit, but first one without me right there with him. He did awesome. They got x-rays on him and everything. He was so excited when he was done, he had to come show me that he learned how to make the seat go up and down. I've never seen a kid so happy to go to the dentist!!
Unfortunately, they told Shane he had 3 "sugar bugs." Cute, right? Shane's reaction: "How did those get in there??" All that Halloween candy is catchin' up to him!! I'm not looking forward to taking him in for a filling. That'll be sure to end the dentist excitment forever for him.

Today is my birthday. I'll post later with the going-ons of my day. Ron's girls are over, so I'm sure it'll be busy! :)


Haloween 2009

10.29.09 - Boo at the Zoo.

Ron and I decided to take Shane to Boo at the Zoo this year. It wasn't too cold outside, but cold enough to make noses run. Shane loved the little blow up piano player that played music at the entrance. Overall, I think it was very fun for him. He loved seeing the animals, plus all the lights and decorations they had. There was little blow up spooky house thing that the kids could walk through, but Shane wouldn't go without me. There were a couple of little games as well. Shane totally loved the big boa in the rain forest house, although Ron had to walk past it quickly since he's afraid of snakes. Shane made a little monkey vampire as we watched the costume contest. He got a fair amount of candy, more than he can probably eat, but overall he had a good time.

Shane Trick-or-Treating at Boo at the Zoo!

The creepy piano guy!!


At the beginning of October, Shane had decided that he wanted to be Batman for Halloween. So I got his Halloween costume pretty early on, and he was indeed Batman. I dressed up as a vampire to go trick-or-treating with him. (Vampire-Bat-Man.....hehe.) I ended up having to go to the hospital to drop off Ron's lunch and fax a paper for him while I was all dressed up, which was kind of difficult in 5-inch heels (which I later changed, because I was afraid to fall and break my neck, plus I don't need the extra inches anyways.)

I got Shane ready and we went to pick up Jessie and Colby. We headed over to the mall for their trick-or-treating thing. Shane wasn't shy at all, running up to the people and holding out his bat bag for them to drop the candy in. He had some costume malfunction, since he couldn't see well out of his mask, and the back of the costume wouldn't stay velcroed. I ended up duct taping it. After the mall, we headed over to the Ammon Fire Department, where my brother works, so the boys could play on a firetruck. Since Colby had dressed as a fireman, the firefighters were excited to see him. He was the first fireman to come, and they had to get pictures of the boys. My brother Steve helped the boys up in the fire truck, where the kids had a blast.

We then headed over to the Eagle Point trunk-or-treat, afterwhich, we dropped Jessie and Colby off. Shane had aquired a pretty big haul of candy between the mall and the trunk-or-treat.  I took him over to my grandparents house, where my brother and his wife, along with Kelly, my brother's baby brother-in-law, were. Kelly and Shane are best friends, and had a blast running around. They were so excited, we decided that on the way back to my parents house, that they needed to burn off some energy. So Kym, my sister-in-law, and I stopped at the corner of the street and trick-or-treated with the boys down to my parents. At one house, Kelly and Shane couldn't find the door bell, so Kelly opened the door and the boys walked right in, shouting "Trick-or-Treat!!" Talk about embarrassing!!!

Shane as Batman, at the mall!

Shane drivin the firetruck!

Shane and Colby in the fire truck.

Shane and Colby!
(Shane can't see! haha..)